It is National Careers Week and today we were delighted to welcome Dan from Preston College into school to talk to our pupils in year 8 about apprenticeships. 

Pupils found out what an apprenticeship is, the advantages, the different levels and what they mean and the expectations. It was interesting to find out that the minimum apprentices currently earn £5.28 an hour and this will be going up to £6.40 per hour from  April 2024. Dan talked about the hours that apprentices work and when they attend college. He also outlined the difference between apprenticeships and T levels, talked about entry requirements and how apprenticeships are assessed. 

On Wednesday, our year 9 pupils will be finding out about T levels and on Thursday, Mr Gray will be launching work experience in the year 10 assembly. Last year, the year 10 work experience week was very valuable for our year 10 pupils. Further information will be shared on Thursday.