The Pastoral Team at Archbishop Temple comprises of five Heads of Year, Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, Pastoral Support Worker, Chaplain, Safeguarding Leads, Head of PSHE and Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour and Attitudes. At the very core of the team's work is the school's Christian ethos, ensuring every pupil is nurtured and supported throughout their time in school. Pupils are encouraged to develop quality relationships through extra-curricular activities, charity work and our PSHE curriculum. Regular events and competitions are run in our end of term enrichment weeks to ensure pupils develop a real sense of service, togetherness, and an awareness of corporate responsibility.
The pastoral team’s work in school is vast and varied, and is concerned with all aspects of our pupils’ wellbeing. Pupils are encouraged to fulfil a wide variety of roles in school, with both senior and junior prefect roles playing an integral role in their development. Monitoring and mentoring is thorough and effective and our priority is always to ensure every pupil feels safe and valued in school. Our early help pathway ensures pupils receive support both in school and from outside agencies were appropriate.
At Archbishop Temple Church of England High School, our pastoral system is designed to ensure every child has the maximum opportunity to achieve. Pupils are encouraged, nurtured, and supported in all aspects of school life, providing an enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding education, where Christ is at the centre of all we do.