At Archbishop Temple Church of England High School, we recognise that the appropriate use of new technologies, both in the classroom and at home, provides our pupils with richer learning experiences. However, whilst we recognise the advantages of new technologies, as a school we are also acutely aware of its possible dangers. 
New technologies are central to modern life in Britain, and across the globe, and they enable us to have instant communication with one another. They allow for the rapid retrieval and collation of information from a wide range of sources and provide a powerful stimulus for creativity. However, these technologies are also potentially damaging. They offer access to harmful and inappropriate materials and, because of the anonymity offered, they make young people vulnerable to harm and exploitation. 
At our school, we have a managed system of filtering and monitoring. We recognise both the benefits and potential dangers of new technologies, and we provide an age-related e-safety curriculum which encourages our pupils to become polite online citizens. This is delivered both directly in creative media lessons, and our personal development curriculum, but also discretely in all subjects. It aims to equip our pupils with the skills needed to assess the risk of accessing sites, recognise the potential dangers of the information they are viewing, and adopt safe practices both in school and during unsupervised contact at home. 
We require families to read the ‘acceptable use’ policy, which details what our pupils are allowed and not allowed to do when using new technologies and the consequences of breaching this agreement. 

CEOP is the division of the police service that deals with Child Exploitation and Online Protection. All children are taught about how to register their concerns, and this is one way that they can report online abuse. The link on our webpages goes to a page where they can make a report, they click some boxes about themselves and then write a description of their experience. All reports made are then given a priority traffic light colour, and red priorities are usually contacted within the first 24 hours by a dedicated team member who calls the person who has made the report to assist them.  

We take e-safety very seriously and would recommend parents familiarise themselves with resources we have made available, along with the advice about e-safety at home.  
The school's online safety policy is available to view here. 

Useful Websites for Online Safety: 

LGfL Website – Online safety support and advice for parents and carers