Archbishop Temple Church of England High School is a high performing school and the teachers work hard to make sure our children get the best education possible. Unfortunately, the school budget cannot stretch to provide the additional facilities and equipment that we would all like to see in place. The PTFA helps out by providing funding for these important ‘extras’.

The money we have raised has funded a replacement door for the sports hall, part-funded the equipment for the school fitness suite, a pupil author talk in the geography department, children's and young people's literature in European languages for the school library, new barriers for the school canteen and a Dragon's Den event. 

In previous years, money has contributed to portable dance mirrors for the Drama Department, new football and rugby goalposts for the PE department, a contribution towards several high cost musical pieces of equipment for the Music Department. The PTFA paid for the new school library, blinds in the english department, revamping of the dining room area, new pans for the food technology department and funded Zoolab's amazing 'Rainforest Roadshow', a fun and informative educational workshop featuring exotic animals delivered to the whole of year 7. We have also made several smaller donations to various departments such as high visibility jackets for children on car park duty at events.

Fundraising & Events

For the last few years our main fundraiser has been our annual Bonfire and Fireworks Evening which is always a fantastic event. There is a bonfire, a stunning firework display and also a wide variety of hot food, cakes, sweets, hot and cold drinks for sale. This has become a big school, family and community event. Our last Bonfire and Fireworks Night was held on Friday 3rd November 2023. 

How can I get involved?

Come along to one of our PTFA meetings. Meetings are informal and it’s a great way to meet other parents and members of staff.

The PTFA relies entirely on volunteers and although we appreciate monetary support what we really need is a willingness for more parents to get involved, even in a small way (for example, by helping with serving refreshments at an event). You won’t be pressured to give more time than you want but we would be grateful if you could give serious consideration to getting involved.

Meeting dates are all on the online calendar and all meetings are at 7.00pm and usually take place in the school meeting room. A school post message will be sent out prior to the next meeting. If, in the meantime, you have any queries regarding the PTFA, please contact us via the contact form on the school website and mark your message PTFA. 

Many thanks for your ongoing support

We were delighted to organise the school's 60th birthday celebrations, which took place on Saturday 15th June 2024. It was a fantastic event which brought the school and local communities together. It featured a DJ, live music and dance displays, inflatables, a fairground ride, a fabulous makers and craft market, snakes and reptiles, food stalls and much more! The event raised a fantastic £2630 which will help to fund projects in school.

Our main fundraiser for the last few years has been our annual Bonfire and Fireworks Evening, which is always a fantastic event. There is a bonfire, a stunning firework display and also a wide variety of hot food, cakes, sweets, hot and cold drinks for sale. This has become a big school, family and community event. Our last Bonfire and Fireworks event took place on Friday 3rd November 2023. Take a look at some of the photos from the event below.