To ensure all pupils receive quality careers guidance that raises aspirations. We Nurture everyone’s God given gifts and talents through a careers programme that supports pupils to consider a broad range of careers and employability skills, ultimately allowing them to shine God’s light throughout their life journey.
Careers Programme
Pupils at Archbishop Temple Church of England High School are given an excellent start as far as academic achievement is concerned, but for our young people we are only one step along a pathway of lifelong learning. The opportunity to develop skills to make informed decisions about their future is crucial to ensuring that our pupils fulfil their potential. To this end we make provision for all pupils to gain independent and impartial careers guidance.
All pupils are invited to a Careers fair involving local employers and training providers. We build on this in Year 9 with further experiences for pupils at local colleges so that they make the vital link between GCSE option choices and their future career pathway. During Year 10 and 11 there are further opportunities for the pupils to experience the range of provision available from post 16 providers and training organisations within Lancashire. This is achieved through visits to local colleges, visits by speakers to assemblies and workshops that run throughout crucial times of year when pupils may want to build on and clarify the information they have gathered. In addition, pupils and parents have access to Lancashire Careers Hub, a comprehensive careers package which can be accessed remotely.
Archbishop Temple Church of England High School is committed to providing all students in years 7-11 with a programme of activities.
The current careers programme is delivered through a combination of methods including additional assemblies, employer visits, workshops and special days arranged for each year group throughout the year. All students are encouraged throughout their time at school to collect evidence for their CV. This evidence is then used to start writing their CV in Year 10 and finished in year 11 before they leave. This provides them with an employability record for the future.
Pupils’ will start to gather evidence for their CV from year 7 onwards. They will start to compile their own record of achievement and write their own CV in year 11. A record of pupil attainment at all career events will be stored on our Compass Plus careers platform. This information will be stored for 2 years after the pupil has left school.
Every pupil with SEND follows the same programme of careers as their peers, with support from the SEND team when needed. The school offers to work closely with the parents/guardians of all SEND pupil’s to ensure that their career aspirations are met.
Partnerships and links
The CEIAG programme is enhanced through links with several partners who help ensure that pupil experiences and information is up to date and relevant. We liaise with enterprise co-ordinators from ‘Inspira’, who provide the school with experiences or workshops from people from different industries.
Careers Leader; Mr Baybutt 01772 717782
Careers Advisor; Mrs Khan
We have a stable careers programme in place. Mr Baybutt and Mrs Khan have overall responsibility for maintaining this programme and ensuring that all students from Year 7 to Year 11 are provided with independent careers advice. This advice will be impartial and provide information which promotes the best interests of all students. The information provided will offer a range of educational training options, including apprenticeships and other vocational options. This will be in addition to the more traditional Post 16 route, of going to a sixth form college and then onto university.
Every student at Archbishop Temple Church of England High School has access to career and labour market information in the school library and has access to a careers appointment by arrangement.
Work, Employment and Skills
All students do have the opportunity to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This is done through a range of enrichment activities in school.
Careers Evening (February)
All pupils are invited to attend the school careers fair with their parents and carers. This takes place in February every year. The students will get the opportunity to meet over 25 different employers with information about different career pathways.
Year 11 Thinking Ahead Day (January)
In year 11, students are allowed to attend apprenticeship workshops delivered by several different providers. They get to meet workers and apprentices from these areas. In addition to this they are shown how to put together their own curriculum vitae and covering letter by somebody from industry.
If you require any further information regarding the school's careers programme, please contact:
Careers Leader - Mr Baybutt
Careers Advisor - Mrs Khan
Our school Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy can be viewed here.
I provide quality independent careers advice and guidance to students in Years 7 through 11. I arrange individual appointments with students in Years 9, 10, and 11 throughout the academic year, offering personalised support to help them explore various pathways, such as applying to college, training programs, apprenticeships, voluntary work, work experience, or direct employment.
With over 30 years of experience as a careers practitioner in schools, colleges, and universities, I work closely with the staff at Archbishop Temple Church of England High School to develop a robust independent careers agenda and prepare students for the world of work.
I am available at the school every Monday during term time and am always open to meeting with parents or guardians to discuss post-16 options for their children.
I look forward to meeting you.
Kind regards,
Mrs S Khan
Independent Careers Adviser
It was great to see so many exhibitors and parents, carers and pupils at our careers and options evening! The careers fair took place in our school sports hall and year 9 options evening Took place in the main school building. The next Careers and Options Evening takes place on Thursday 6th February 2025.
Thanks to Army Jobs (Preston), Ashbridge Nurseries, BAE Systems, Cardinal Newman College, Cheynes Training Northwest Academy, Department for Work and Pensions - DWP, Edge Hill University, Hutton Sixth Form, Kirkham Grammar School Sixth Form, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (Official), Manchester School of Art, MDBA, PNE Community and Education Trust, Preston City Council, Preston College, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy Recruitment, Rosemere Cancer Foundation, Runshaw College Sixth Form Centre, Training 2000, The University of Central Lancashire - UCLan, Westinghouse and Liz France, our independent careers advisor, for coming along to advise our pupils on career pathways, courses and apprenticeships.
T Levels
T Levels are new courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels. These 2-year courses, which launched in September 2020, have been developed in collaboration with employers and education providers so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training, or further study.
T Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and on-the-job experience through an industry placement of at least 315 hours - approximately 45 days.
- T-levels could help you get into skilled employment, further study or a higher apprenticeship.
And yes, you guessed it, the T stands for Technical! For more information, click onto the following links:
The Apprenticeship Guide
A fantastic online guide to allow young people from Years 7 -11 to raise their awareness of the varied apprenticeships on offer linked to their curriculum subjects in school.
Rate My Apprenticeship
An excellent online resource to find out more about the specialist of employers and the different levels of apprenticeships that they deliver, gap years, and sponsored degrees. Sign up for their free newsletter.
Find an apprenticeship
National database of employer apprenticeships for year 11 pupils. Create a free account and find out about employer vacancies.
For support with an interview please access: Please click on free tests links only! You can try numerical, verbal, diagrammatic and situational tests which are timed. It would be worth spending some time getting familiar with the web site and links first.
Guide to apprenticeships and training providers in Lancashire :
Apprenticeship Schemes
BAE Systems
Electricity North West:
For school leaver apprenticeship vacancies visit:
National Grid
Apprenticeship vacancies visit:
National Nuclear Laboratory
NHS Careers
NHS Careers NW – Careers in Health and Social Care
Training 2000:
For an extensive list of current employer apprenticeship vacancies access: to create a free account on line.
There is also, a list of companies who are currently advertising their vacancies to year 11 pupils. Please access the links to look on line at the application process and type of engineering apprenticeships offered.
Apprenticeships, Traineeships and CV Template
Other useful information
Russell Group
Lots of quality advice & information on what universities are looking for from young people taking certain AS/ A levels subjects.
A wide list of prospectuses for Lancashire, lists every course in every college in Lancashire. It is also an excellent link to find out more about life at university and the world of higher education. Click on some of the boxes of the main home page
Student Finance :
Information about job roles and sectors
National Careers Service :
All About Careers :
Gatsby Benchmark Information: Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby
icould :
Labour Market for All :
Local Labour Market Information
Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.
Getting more careers ideas
Prospects Careers Planner matches your skills, motivations and interests to a career that is perfect to you.
The Careerometer widget
The widget can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers.
The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.
The data are organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you.
Year 10 Work Experience – 7th - 11th July 2025
Pupils at Archbishop Temple Church of England High School are given an excellent start as far as academic achievement is concerned, but for our young people we are only one step along a pathway of lifelong learning.
Year 10 pupils are given the opportunity to spend one week in gaining some work experience. It will give them the opportunity to gain experience in a workplace and to learn about a job role, a company, or a career sector.
We would like to offer your son/daughter the opportunity to take part in work experience in July 2025. As a school, we have previously found that work experience for the vast majority of pupils is extremely valuable. Pupils have found it very useful to include information about work experience when applying for college courses, apprenticeships, or jobs, using the employer as a reference.
The work experience is planned for July 2025. As a school, we have followed all Health & Safety Executive (HSE) advice when planning this offer. We do, however, ask you to be mindful of the dates and deadlines found within this letter as the processing of all forms adds a significant burden to our admin teams. Any late forms may result in your son/ daughter being unable to undertake their placement. Work experience (
Finding a Placement
The vast majority of pupils find a self-placement by approaching a firm directly; this could be through family or friends. The employer must then be checked for Health and Safety, Insurance Cover and the suitability of the activities planned for them. This procedure can be very time consuming, and you will appreciate the importance of keeping to the deadline set for the return of any paperwork.
In addition to this letter, we have provided two packs:
- A School Pack - The School Pack should be completed by the employer, along with the student and parent before handing this back to the school office.
- An Employer Pack - Once an appropriate placement has been identified, the student information within the Employer Pack should be completed and provided to the workplace.
Choosing an Appropriate Placement
In choosing placements, pupils need to be mindful of possible:
- Health problems in some environments and if they have any allergies
- To make sure they can travel to and from work for the time specified by the employer (considering the cost of the transport as well as the location of the workplace)
- To check if any special clothing is needed
Please be aware that a workplace that is deemed to be medium to high risk may require an additional health & safety visit which may incur a financial charge to parents.
What if my son/ daughter cannot find a placement?
For those students not involved in work experience, an alternative timetable will be formulated in school. The content of the timetable will be determined nearer the time once we know the number of students involved.
Please discuss with your son/daughter the suitability of the choices they have made before the forms are processed. Work experience gives a wide variety of benefits to our pupils that include:
- Communication skills
- Raising aspirations and an insight into careers sectors and roles
- Improve self-motivation
- Improve personal qualities such as punctuality, organisational skills, adaptability, courtesy etc.
- Gain a range of Employability skills which will enhance their CV
Key Dates and Deadlines:
If your son/daughter would like to participate in work experience, the relevant paperwork will need to be completed and returned in line with all deadlines below:
Introduction to Work Experience
March 2025 |
Advice & Guidance provided to students
March 2025 |
Review Day (students without placements to be in school)
March 2025 |
Deadline for completion of both School & Employer Packs
April 2025 |
Start of work experience placement
July 2025 |
At the moment, July 2025 seems a long way off – but it will be soon here! – you need to remember that it is not just pupils from Archbishop Temple Church of England High School who will be applying for work experience in the local area but thousands of other pupils from various other high schools in Lancashire.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact us at school via the contact page. Please mark your message 'Work Experience' and send it for the attention of Mr Baybutt.
What is virtual work experience?
Virtual work experience, also referred to as online, remote or digital, provides young people with the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace, develop their skills, boost their employability and explore new industries and job roles.
It’s a broad term and can include any opportunity which provides young people with an insight into what it’s like to work in an industry or job role while at home. Most virtual work experiences range from half a day to one week, but some may last longer depending on the nature of the work experience and the age of your child.
Not all virtual work experience is the same. Some are open to everyone and provide a platform for students to discover more about the job, view pre-recorded videos on what it’s like to work with the organisation, go on virtual tours and possibly take part in some live Q&A sessions. Others may require your child to go through an application process and offer regular online meetings with a supervisor, individual project work, networking sessions, training opportunities and video tutorials.
I would encourage Year 11 and Year 10 pupils to take advantage of some of the amazing virtual work-related opportunities available. Companies are keen to open the eyes of young people to the fast moving and fascinating world of work that awaits them and have invested considerable resources in putting together well thought out and bespoke programmes.
Many opportunities are one day only providing students with a snapshot of careers and professions they might never have considered and can be hosted by national or global companies, normally inaccessible to young people. Most companies issue certificates of completion which students can add to their CV’s and all will give students invaluable experience and help develop work relate
Which organisations offer virtual work experience?
More firms are beginning to provide virtual work experience opportunities to students and young people. Placements are available across several sectors including accountancy, law, marketing and the veterinary sciences. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, here are some companies and businesses currently offering virtual work experience. Click on the text to be taken directly to their website.
An excellent website to help young people develop the skills they need for a better future.
Virtual Work Experience tool | Barclays LifeSkills
Future Learn - exploring the Veterinary profession A two week, six hour, course that enables students to learn more about what it takes to become a vet and whether it's the right career choice for them.
Halliday Fraser Munro have developed a free, online work experience programme for pupils who are interested in architecture and design and would like to explore what this exciting industry is all about.
InvestIn (paid) Aimed at students between 14 and 18 years old, InvestIn offers an impressive array of virtual work placements involving real life work and contact with professionals. This is a paid service, and placements range from one day to one week.
Speakers4Schools Speakers4schools aims to provide a level playing field by connecting young people to high quality virtual work placements. Register to stay up to date with their latest developments.
Oxbright Online Internships Online internships for students aged 15-18. Oxbright run both academic research and work experience internships in a range of subjects, from Medicine to Law.
Springpod An excellent list of free virtual work experience placement ranging from teaching to marketing.
Virtual Work Experience Search (
The Lawyer Portal A list of law firms offering virtual work experience.
Virtual Work Experience for Law Students | The Lawyer Portal
Explore Work Experience - Youth Employment U
Careers Information for Parents
We encourage parents to participate in career discussions with their children to assist them in exploring various career paths and post-16 options. The below document offers essential information to support your child in making informed decisions about their future, along with insights on the school's role in guiding these choices.
Careers - Parents
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