Here at school we aim to make our acts of worship inclusive, inspirational and invitational. Each year group attends collective worship throughout the week. Tutors also lead their Form Group to further explore the theme through activities, games, discussions and prayers or will have a liturgical service of their own lead our form worship. Throughout the worship schedule we observe the seasons and principal feasts of the Church of England calendar providing a great opportunity to learn about the life of Jesus. This also helps to link with our Diocese and Deanery churches who follow the same pattern.
Our team ethos ensures a collaborative approach to our worship schedule which provides an opportunity for the pupils to hear from several members of staff, including the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team, Pastoral Leaders, RE Department and other teachers. It is also exciting when guests come into school from our Diocese links and local churches to lead worship.
We arrange other ways to express our worship throughout the life of the school, for example, we have staff prayer and communion gatherings based in the chapel and members of the staff team lead a reflection during the morning briefing time. Our pupils are invited to the chapel once a week for a Christian Union lunch club to enjoy fellowship and be encouraged from God’s word. The chaplain coordinates this group along with regular help from local youth workers and ministers.
The chapel is usually a quiet space reserved for reflection and connection with God. It is used for a range of activities including, individual reflection, form group communion, Christian lunch clubs, Alpha groups, staff prayer, prayer spaces and RE classes.
We’re always keen to develop our community links and opportunities for our staff and pupils to engage in worship activities so please feel free to email our chaplain if you would like to serve in any way.
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