Tuesday 5th February 2019 will be Safer Internet Day. Archbishop Temple School will join over 1000 organisations across the UK in celebrating the day. We hope to inspire our pupils to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.
Throughout the day, pupils are taking part in online safety cross-curricular lessons, as well as tutor led form time using Safer Internet Day resources. We hope to promote discussions on the theme of ‘Our internet, our choice – Understanding consent in a digital world’.
The topics covered will be; ‘Moral Compass’ – discussions around what is suitable to share online and what is not suitable, ‘Online vs Offline’ – discussions around how likely a person is to do something online, rather than offline, ‘Online Consent Unpacked’ – looking at active, passive and assumed consent and finally ‘Data Jargon Buster’ – matching up data and permission related jargon and asking pupils what they would do if they saw a word online, and didn’t know what it meant.
Miss Catterall, Head of ICT and Computing and our school's Online Safety Co-ordinator, will be leading the house assemblies all week, focussing on online safety.
Please encourage your children to talk about their experiences online and have regular discussions at home about these topics. The Online Safety section of the school website is regularly updated with advice for parents, useful websites and checklists.