School will be open to pupils and their parents and caregivers from 9.30am to noon. Unfortunately, there will be no on-site parking. Pupils will collect their results from the junior yard.
Only the candidate themselves can collect their results, unless they provide written permission for a nominated adult to do so. A letter must be submitted to Mrs Arnfield, our Exams Officer, or Mrs Coxon, Assistant Headteacher, before Friday, 8th July. The nominated adult must bring photo ID when they come to school to collect a student’s examination grades.
Any results that have not been collected in person by 12 noon on results day will be sent by second class post to the home address that we have on our database. If the pupil is not able to collect their results on the morning of 25th August and would like their results posted by first class post, they must provide their own stamped addressed envelope. Please pass this to Mrs Arnfield or myself no later than Friday, 8th July.
If you have any questions or queries between now and results day, please email exams@archbishoptemple.com