Parents/carers and family members are welcome to join us for a school concert featuring pupils from year 5 at St Andrews Church of England Primary School & Archbishop Temple Church of England High School on Thursday 4th May from 6pm - 7pm.

The concert will feature all year 5 pupils, who will be performing pieces in dance, drama and music that they have worked on during the day at Archbishop Temple. We also look forward to St Andrew's year 5 choir performing. Archbishop Temple's concert band and choir will also be performing and there will be some solos and duets as well. The concert will take place in Archbishop Temple's main hall.

Please note: Parking will not be available on site. Preston College has kindly offered attendees space to park for the event. 

Tickets are £5 each (Children go free). You may book your tickets online at the link below. Booking is open online until 3.30pm on Thursday 4th May, after that you may pay on the door.