Subject: Modern Foreign Languages (FRENCH & SPANISH)
In both French and Spanish, we aim to instil our learners with both enthusiasm and proficiency in key areas of language learning. Our pedagogy is research-led and practice-informed and learning is carefully planned to support progression for all learners within a low exposure foreign language setting. Progression is determined by the functions of grammar, and the frequency and usefulness of vocabulary and phonics, and aims to avoid introducing too much language too fast.
We aim to encourage pupils to appreciate and be curious about other cultures and promote the importance of a deeper understanding of the world in which pupils take a step towards intercultural competence. We want to encourage a love of learning a foreign language and ensure that pupils leave confident and enthused to continue learning a language, ready for a future in the global workplace.
Programmes of Study
Key Stage 3 learning is based on developing a strong underpinning of phonics, vocabulary and grammar and content is evenly spaced and opportunities to revisit are planned to ensure pupils have enough time to deepen their understanding. At GCSE, pupils choose to follow the Edexcel GCSE in French or Spanish (or both).
Year 7
Pupils develop an understanding of the sound symbol correspondances in each language, their proficiency in highly frequent vocabulary and the most frequent forms of grammar; articles, adjectives, present tense verb forms in parts of the verb, question words and forming questions etc
Year 8
Pupils continue to embed their understanding of the phonetical patterns of the language, tenses are introduced and pupils work on developing an understanding of the future and past time frames.
Year 9
Pupils embed their understanding of the three key time frames, their understanding of adjectival agreement, word order, articles, quantifiers and expressing and explaining points of view. They study a range of topics including young people in the wider world, the world of work and the importance of languages and healthy living and lifestyle choices.
Click here to view the Year 9 Options information for Modern Foreign Languages.
Year 10
Pupils follow the first year of the GCSE course, covering three of the themes for GCSE. A strong foundation of a wider range of tenses and grammatical structures is introduced.
Year 11
Pupils complete their study of the GCSE course, including the remaining two themes and more formal practice of the GCSE exam elements. Significant time is allowed for revision and practising examination technique.
Marking and Assessment
Pupils will receive regular age and stage appropriate assessments. Verbal feedback is regular and following key assessments at the end of each unit of work, pupils receive more detailed written and verbal feedback. The purpose of our assessment is to inform pupils, parents and teachers of the progress and security of learning, to encourage pupils to improve their work and to enable them to do so.
During Key Stage 3, pupils undertake formal examinations as well as key assessments. All Key Stage 4 assessment leads towards four GCSE examinations in listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Revision Guides / Resources
GCSE French Revision Cards |
9781292182391 |
GCSE French Revision Workbook |
9781292132013 |
GCSE French Revision Guide |
9781292132082 |
GCSE Spanish Revision Workbook |
9781292132075 |
GCSE Spanish Revision Guide |
9781292132105 |
GCSE French Grammar & Translation Workbook |
9781292132990 |
GCSE Spanish Grammar & Translation Workbook |
9781292133300 |
Staff Details
Mrs L Jimenez – Head of Department
Mrs N Ward – Teacher of French & Spanish
Miss E Zanesi - Teacher of French & Spanish
Careers and Progression
The study of French and Spanish at Key Stage 4 provides an excellent foundation for further academic study in a wide range of careers. Languages can be studied exclusively at university or added to a variety of courses for those wanting to work internationally. Current research shows that employers, now more than ever, actively look for employees who can offer proficiency in a language. At key points during the 5 year plan, lessons focus explicitly on careers and the important communicative value of Modern Foreign Languages for prospective employers.
Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum Plans
Click on an image below and scroll through using the arrows.
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