Subject: Science
Wisdom is supreme—so get wisdom. And whatever else you get, get understanding.
Proverbs 4:7
We believe in the philosophy that Science is for all and our choice of programme offers something to stretch and challenge our pupils, their abilities and aspirations. We want to nurture pupils through their transition from primary school to Archbishop Temple Church of England High School and let their light shine for the service of others. We have faith that this wonderful subject can inspire all pupils who may then use their learning in Science to benefit others in the community . We place great importance on teaching young people about how Science influences our everyday lives and to cultivate their curiosity about the world around them. We hope that many will explore the fascinating scientific culture that is part of our heritage through experiences both in school and at home.
Our teachers believe in the importance of teaching Science for understanding and are aware that for pupils to achieve well in Science, they must not only master the necessary knowledge, but also understand its value and enjoy the experience of working scientifically.
The Science team want to nurture the whole pupil ready for their onward journey where they will continue, in faith, a service which enhances the well-being of others.
Programmes of Study
Year 7
Students follow the programme of study developed by the Science department which covers the KS3 PoS. Year 7 Covers the following topics: Particles and their behaviour, Cells, Forces and pressure, Structure and function of body systems, Elements, atoms and compounds, Sound, reproduction, Reactions, Energy, Acids and alkalis and Space. Working Scientifically is embedded throughout the whole curriculum.
Year 8
Students follow the programme of study developed by the Science department which covers the KS3 PoS. Year 8 Covers the following topics: Electricity, Health and lifestyle, The Periodic Table, Energy 2021-2022 (Replaced by Light 2022 onwards), Cellular reactions, Separation techniques, Magnetism, Adaptations and inheritance, Metals and acids, Motion, The Earth and atmosphere, Relationships in ecosystems.
Year 9
Pupils continue their scientific journey learning further skills and knowledge to further encourage a curiosity of science in the world around them.
Biology: Dining on digestion; Powerful plants and micro-organisms.
Chemistry: Amazing Atoms; Radical Reactions
Physics: Marvellous Matter & Energetic Energy
Click here to view the Year 9 Options information for Science.
Year 10
Pupils either follow the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy (8464), or the separate courses of AQA Biology (8461), AQA Chemistry (8462) & AQA Physics (8463).
Year 11
Pupils either follow the AQA Combined Science: Trilogy (8464), or the separate courses of AQA Biology (8461), AQA Chemistry (8462) & AQA Physics (8463).
Marking and Assessment
Pupils will have both formative and summative assessment throughout their teaching with half year and full year formal assessments for KS3. At KS4 mock examinations will be used to support the ongoing assessments. Feedback will be given in many forms (oral, written, peer-group etc). We also get pupils to engage with many online assessments eg Doddle, Educake, Quizlet etc.
We follow the AQA GCSE specifications for both separate Biology, Chemistry & Physics for those pupils who choose this as an option. For the majority of pupils we follow the AQA Trilogy Combined Science.
Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
have the following papers:
Paper 1: 50% (1hr 45 mins)
Paper 2: 50% (1 hr 45 mins)
Combined Sciences have 2 papers for each of the disciplines (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
Paper 1: 50% (1hr 15 mins)
Paper 2: 50% (1 hr 15 mins)
Revision Guides / Resources
Pupils use a range of revision guides and resources as listed below:
CGP Revision guides
Kerboodle Ebook and resources
Firefly (teacher resources)
Online tools eg Doddle, Educake, Quizziz, Quizlet etc
Staff Details
Mr R McGee – Head of Science
Miss J Cross – Assistant Headteacher / Teacher of Science
Mrs S Costigan - Teacher of Science
Mrs J Drake – Teacher of Science
Miss B Ince - Lead Teacher of Chemistry
Miss E Keel – Head of Year 9 & 10 / Teacher of Science
Miss L Walsh – Teacher of Science
Mr J Futter – Science Technician
Careers and Progression
There is a fantastic take up of Science subjects at A-level and degree. Pupils go on to many fascinating jobs including veterinary science, medicine, dentistry, dolphin trainer and so on.
Science 5 Year Curriculum Plan
Click on an image below and scroll through using the arrows.
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