Thank you to everyone who wore denim to school in support of Jeans for Genes Day. 

Jeans for Genes Day is the annual fundraising campaign for the genetic conditions community supporting people affected by a genetic condition. The monies raised on Jeans for Genes Day provide grants for day-to-day support, equipment, respite and events which bring together affected children and their families. There are between 4,000 and 6,000 diagnosed genetic conditions. It is estimated that one in 25 children is affected by a genetic condition and therefore 30,000 babies and children are newly diagnosed every year.

In addition to this, the science department ran sessions on the topics of DNA, Ethics and Inheritance.

"The key stage 3 science sessions were designed around showing pupils the real-life application of topics that they are currently studying," said Miss Ince, Lead Teacher of Chemistry. "The Year 7's discussed various genetic conditions and the difficulties they faced and were able to apply their understanding of red blood cells to understand the difficulties these individuals would face, before using their new practical skills to extract DNA from a kiwi."

"Year 8 considered ethical issues surrounding genetic modification and genetic testing, and Year 9 used their understanding of inheritance of characteristics to create marshmallow Reebops, and used their knowledge of the respiratory system to consider the difficulties faced by individuals with cystic fibrosis."

Keep an eye on our school social media channels for details of how much we raised.