Our school library is gearing up for a special Harry Potter Party to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the first publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J K Rowling.
The party itself, will take place on Monday 26th June after school and will run from 3.20pm. Mrs Dearden, our school Librarian, has planned lots of fun activities including a "wizarding welcome", a reading from the Philosopher's Stone, a wizarding duel and a relic hunt.
There will also be lots of super "wizarding" activities on at break and lunchtime too!
Those children who wish to attend the party need to solve a riddle and find a password hidden in the school, they will then have to come into the library quote the password and their name then they will go down on the party list and they will receive their invite. Those children who solve the riddle and receive an invite will be allowed to bring in wizarding robes or Harry Potter fancy dress to wear to the party after school.