On Monday 13th March 2023, Miss Walsh, Head of Year 10 and Teacher of Science, visited Grange Primary School to lead a special whole school assembly to launch British Science Week.
The pupils were very excited to have a visitor and virtually everyone offered to help in the experiments. The pupils thought about the invisible particles that make up everything and how they interact making connections with each other that we can only see through the actions they create. They looked at diffusion, watching the particles of a skittle move using an overhead projector, experimented with static electricity, sticking balloons to the wall and making people's hair move. They felt air particles move using the air blaster, then saw them move using the smoke machine to create smoke rings and illuminated an invisible light beam using the smoke and a laser pen.
Finally, the classic coke and Mentos was a great finale. There was much excitement, shrieks of delight and amazement, reminding us all that science is amazing and sometimes a little magical too.