Our new pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors are undertaking their training today with Mrs Bridges, our school Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead.
Pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors give up their lunchtimes in order to offer advice and support on any issues that other pupils are concerned about. This service allows pupils to speak directly to Ambassadors members about any worries or problems regarding friends, school or home. No issue is considered too small or unworthy of our help and every pupil is treated with respect and compassion. Due to the fact that they are a similar age, many pupils find it easier and less intimidating to speak to them, rather than speaking to an adult and therefore the Wellbeing Ambassadors are a valuable service within school.
Wellbeing Ambassadors are available for pupils to talk to every lunchtime on the yard and for drop-in in Mrs Bridges' room on a Tuesday. Anything said to the pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors is confidential, although if they do feel that anything needs to be passed on to an adult the pupil will be notified beforehand.
Pupil Wellbeing Ambassadors have all been given training on how to support anyone that seeks their advice and are committed to their role. If pupils have any worries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask for support as they are all more than happy to help and will try their very best to solve your problem.