Following the worship session about giving during the season of Lent, and the assembly with representatives from the amazing Cash for Kids organisation, Miss Keel would like to remind pupils in year 9 and their parents/carers about Year 9's Cash for Kids' Fit in 4 weeks challenge!
Service is one of our key values here at Archbishop Temple Church of England High School. Lots of pupils got involved in the Mission Christmas Initiative, and many more have had conversations Miss Keel about how they can get more involved with charity opportunities - here is their chance!
This is an individual challenge starting on 26th February, although pupils can join up with friends to exercise together, to do some form of exercise every day during Lent! Whether pupils are already training for a sport or whether they want to set themselves a goal of being more active - this is the challenge for them!
Pupils will need an adult to help them sign up here: https://cashforkids.org.uk/fitinfour, and they will need to get friends and family to sponsor them to raise money for this fantastic charity.
Those that raise £50 will get a Fit in Four Weeks medal from Cash for Kids, and the pupils that raise the most in the year group will get a special prize from Miss Keel. Pupils may use the Firefly task to communicate the target they have set for themselves and keep Miss Keel up to date with how they are getting on!