Pupils were treated to an exciting visit to Stonyhurst. We got to have a tour of the school and also visited the museum there. Pupils saw how books used to be made – getting to see and touch a prayer book from hundreds of years ago made from cow skin! After studying Shakespeare earlier this year, it was exciting to see a rare first edition of William Shakespeare’s work – a first folio from 1623! We finished the day with a workshop on The Tempest and got to find out more about the context of the play, using different objects from the museum. I’m sure pupils also enjoyed their lunch from Stonyhurst and even playing a bit of pool at lunch time.

Those involved have shown dedication to Sparx Reader, won competitions over the year in their English lessons, or helped out in the Library. Well done, Year 7! You’ve been fantastic.

Thank you to Esther at Stonyhurst for giving us a fantastic day.

Miss O'Malley

Second in English