It was fantastic to see so many pupils and staff sporting their jeans on Friday 30th September 2022, in support of Jeans for Genes Day.
Thank you for your cake and biscuit donations for the Jeans for Genes bake sale. It raised a super £75! As well as wearing their jeans, pupils in key stage 3 had the opportunity to take part in special science activities linked to Jeans for Genes Day.
"The key stage 3 science sessions were designed around showing pupils the real-life application of topics that they are currently studying," said Miss Keel, Head of Year 9, Teacher of Science and organiser of the event. "The Year 7's learnt about a child living with sickle cell anaemia and were able to apply their understanding of red blood cells to understand the difficulties these individuals would face, before using their new practical skills to extract DNA from a kiwi."
"Year 8 considered ethical issues surrounding genetic modification and genetic testing, and Year 9 used their understanding of inheritance of characteristics to create marshmallow Reebops, and used their knowledge of the respiratory system to consider the difficulties faced by individuals with cystic fibrosis."
Altogether pupils and staff raised £390.74 for the charity, which makes the running total for 8 years £3722.65. The money raised on Jeans for Genes Day funds the work of the Jeans for Genes campaign. The campaign raises awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and raises money to fund projects that make a tangible difference to the lives of those affected.
Take a look at a gallery of images from Jeans for Genes Day below.